Martin Meaning

What does Martin mean?
The meaning of Martin is "of Mars the god of war, warlike".
Martin is generally used as a boy's name.
It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Mar-tin.
The Given Name Martin
Want to make this name more unique? Try spell it backwards.
A bold name that will be delightful to parents.
Martin falls into the classic name category.
Some famous bearers of this name include: Martin Balsam, Martin Blank, and Martin Chalfie.
Martin Popularity
In contrast, the year before it ranked 281 in baby name popularity for boys with 1,282 occurrences. Less than 5 girls were given the name.
Want to see how Martin sizes up? How it compares to some other names? Then check out the Martin Name Popularity Page.
Martin Related Names
The names Maarten, Mairtin, Marcin, Martainn, Martan, Martijn, Martinho, Martino, Marton, Martti, Merten, Morten are all forms of Martin.
Martin has the diminutives (nicknames) Martie, Marty, Tinek.
Famous Martins
- Martin Balsam ~ Actor
- Martin Blank ~ Grosse Pointe Blank character
- Martin Chalfie ~ Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2008
- Martin de Porres ~ Saint
- Martin Dihigo ~ Baseball Player
- Martin Evans ~ Nobel Prize for Medicine 2007
- Martin Freeman ~ Actor
- Martin Gomez ~ Saint
- Martin Henderson ~ Actor
- Martin I ~ Saint, Pope (649-653)
- Martin IV ~ Pope (1281-1285)
- Martin Karplus ~ Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2013
- Martin Kippenberger ~ Artist
- Martin Landau ~ Actor
- Martin Lawrence ~ Actor
- Martin Lewis Perl ~ Nobel Prize for Physics 1995
- Martin Loynaz of the Ascension ~ Saint
- Martin Lumbreras ~ Saint
- Martin Luther King Jr. ~ Nobel Prize for Peace 1964
- Martin Mull ~ Actor
- Martin of Tours ~ Saint
- Martin Riggs ~ Lethal Weapon character
- Martin Rodbell ~ Nobel Prize for Medicine 1994
- Martin Ryle ~ Nobel Prize for Physics 1974
- Martin Scorsese ~ Film Director
- Martin Shaw ~ Actor
- Martin Sheen ~ Actor
- Martin Short ~ Actor
- Martin the Kind (Aragon) ~ Spanish King (1396-1410)
- Martin Turner ~ Actor
- Martin V ~ Pope (1417-1431)
- Martin Van Buren ~ U. S. President (1837-1841)
- Martin Verkerk ~ Tennis Player

Martin Numerology
Destiny Number, Life Path Number, Soul Urge and Personality Number. These Numerological numbers may tell your child's story. Take a look at the Numerology Of Martin.
Children named Martin are often noisy and deft but most of all they are read more >>
Martin Name Fun
Then just follow the diagram below.

Just for fun, see the name Martin in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message.
Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Martin in Nautical Flags page.